At the 90,000 mile mark many major components of your vehicle may need to be replaced due to wear and tear. You can depend on the professionals at Saggu Automotive Repair to provide you with reliable service for your car to get it back in pristine shape.
The 90,000 mile car servicing is mainly about checking the condition of your timing chain. Although there are other important check and services that we do for your vehicle, the timing chain is the most crucial aspect.
Since the timing belt or chain controls the intake and outlet valves of your engine, any damage to the chain can adversely affect your vehicle even requiring you to replace you engine.
If your timing belt is damaged or breaks, there is no way to regulate the temperature in your engine which can lead to the building of excessive heat.
Serving Kent Washington, we can help you avoid a cracked block and expensive repairs and replacement with regular maintenance and servicing.
We offer a 2-year / 24,000-mile warranty. Contact us today!